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Atari 8-bit

SpartaDOS 3 and X

Utility: FTD.COM

What it does

Use to change a file or directory's time and date stamp to the system's current time and date or use the /t and /d switches to stamp your own time and date.

When to use it

You may have an archive of ZMag files and may not know the date of the issue by just using the DIR command. Simply use FTD to stamp the file with the date that appears in the ZMag issue.

How to use it

To stamp the current time and date on all files in the current working directory, type:

    ftd *.*.

To stamp the current date only, type:

    ftd *.* /d.

To stamp a user specified date, type:

    ftd /d10-01-95 *.*.

To obtain a compete list of command-line switches, and in the event you may have acquired an updated version, type FTD[return] at the command-line for syntax.

Understanding error messages

The Date or Time syntax error! message is displayed when you type:

  1. An incorrect day in a month. For example, /d09-31-96 (September has 30 days).

  2. An incorrect time. For example, /t24:60:00 (values for 24 hour format are: hours: 0 to 23; minutes and seconds: 0 to 59).

The Enter two digits for [...] error message is displayed when you don't follow the two-digit rule. You must enter two digits for the user specified date and/or time; example: /d01-10-97 and /t01:23:00. Also, don't forget to use "-" to separate date digits and ":" for time digits.

If FTD hangs the computer, make sure you haven't loaded a program that is using the RAM under the OS. Such as FAST_FP.SYS from the SDX_Pack.

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