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Atari 8-bit

SpartaDOS 3 and X

Utility: FATR.COM

What it does

Set, clear, or display files and their attributes. Work's across directories.

When to use it

Use FAtr when you want to unprotect or protect files. When you need to backup or copy selected files or directories—you may set or unset (clear) the archive bit. If using FAtr with SpartaDOS X you may set or unset the hidden attribute of files and directories, too.

SpartaDOS 3.2F, 3.2G, and 3.2GX info

SpartaDOS 3.2x only supports protect file attribute. With the introduction of FAtr, I have introduced an archival attribute for SpartaDOS 3.2x directory entries (files or directories).

This is needed for the backup command to be fully functional in SpartaDOS 3.2x. You will be able to do archival backups in SpartaDOS 3.2x as soon as Backup is introduced.

An external copy command that is capable of handling attribute copies is also planned for users of SpartaDOS 3.2x. For example: xCopy +a -p D1: D2:, will copy all files that match the attribute selection specified (in this example, with the archive bit set and the protect bit unset).

How to use it

To display all the files and their current attribute settings in your current working directory:

    fatr *.* (same as fatr *.* /l)

To protect all directories and files in the main directory on your floppy, or hard-drive partition type (in this example, the entire disk or hard-drive partition):

    fatr >*.* /s /p+ /d

Notes: By default, FAtr suppresses output to the screen when modifying attributes and does not modify or display directories. You may override these defaults by using /l to display the user specified files as they are processed (note that empty directories will not be displayed even if you use the /l command) and /d if you want FAtr to display and/or set attributes on directories.

To obtain a compete list of command-line switches, as well as in the event you may have acquired an updated version, type FAtr[return] at the command-line for syntax.

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