SpartaDOS X Reference Manual

The Command Processor — Advanced Features

The Command Processor — Advanced Features


I/O Redirection   You may redirect the standard input and output of SpartaDOS X commands on the command line. With SpartaDOS 3.2, redirection was done using batch files (for input redirection) and the PRINT command (for output redirection). SpartaDOS X implements I/O redirection in a totally different manner. Batch files are no longer considered as "input redirection" — they are only read by the command processor and are not system wide (i.e. you may not feed input to BASIC through a batch file). The PRINT command has been eliminated.

With SpartaDOS X, you may divert output of a single command by including ">>d:fname" on the command line. Similarly, input redirection is accomplished by including a "<<d:fname" on the command line. For example, the command

    DIR >>PRN:

redirects the output from the DIR command to the printer (the directory listing will not appear on the screen). An alternate way to copy a file would be

    TYPE fname >>dest

This will be slower than the copy command and will not copy the date to the new file.


will run the BASIC program "START.BAS" if the text file "AUTOGO" contains the line


As an example of output redirection, the following batch file will allow paged viewing of the output of any program by redirecting it to a temporary file, then TYPEing the temporary file with the pause option:

    %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 >>TEMP

For example, if you named the above batch file MORE.BAT and wanted to read the directions printed by the ARC program, use


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